Review of the bible tells me so: why defending scripture has made us unable to read it
Review of the bible tells me so: why defending scripture has made us unable to read it

You do get a little bit more of the his life story in the first chapter, but I was expecting more on the subtitle. Alternatively, if you want a summary of this book and response you could read Longmen’s Confronting Old Testament Controversies. If you have read most of his other books, maybe pass.

review of the bible tells me so: why defending scripture has made us unable to read it

If you never read any of Enns, this book could be a good places to start. Each chapter is broken into short (usually just under 5 pages) writings on anecdotes or individual passages form the Bible. The last chapter is a mostly summary and concluding remarks. There are seven chapters – I’ll take door number three God did what?! God likes stories Why doesn’t God make up his mind? Jesus is bigger than the Bible No one saw this coming and The Bible, just as it is.

review of the bible tells me so: why defending scripture has made us unable to read it

The first chapter is autobiographical and touches on the subtitle of the book, but the following chapters mostly fit into the above outlines. For the most part you are getting some higher criticism, difficult passage in the Old Testament (as in, both things we just don’t like and unclear Hebrew), Jesus reinterpreting the Old Testament and changing the Law (because he is God), and Paul doing the same (in light of the resurrection). If you are familiar with Enns, there won’t be too much new here. This is one of his few books that is written entirely for popular audiences, and he uses a unique form/structure, so it bounces around some. In some ways it is a little difficult to summarize this book. Level – Medium length, easy read (Enns is an academic, but writes for a popular audience) My Rating – If you are looking for something The Bible Tells Me So: Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It

Review of the bible tells me so: why defending scripture has made us unable to read it