Once in the settings, switch to the “Video” tab, then select the device from the “Camera” dropdown box at the top of the page. To access Zoom’s settings, click on your user icon, then on “Settings” in the dropdown menu. To configure which webcam source device you want to use, open the settings by clicking on your user icon in the top-right corner, then clicking “Settings”. There are two ways to set your webcam device, the first is in Zoom’s settings, the second allows you to change your webcam source during a call. While this may often be your raw webcam video, you may instead want to choose a virtual webcam device instead. In Zoom, you need to select which webcam device you want to use as your video input source. The software then presents the modified webcam video as a virtual webcam device, allowing you to use that feed in other programs. Many webcam management programs allow you to apply changes to the video feed, such as filters, backgrounds, or mirroring, etc. This sort of software generally includes the latest drivers and also often includes functionality to be able to record from your webcam and change preferences with regards to resolution and framerate for example. Once you have connected a webcam to your computer though, it will likely need to install a webcam management program.